“Dissolving Illusions”A History of Vaccination.

I was totally pro vax, I got my kids vaccinated, no problem- In 2016,  just out of curiosity, started reading the literature on both sides to determine what was going on– What I found is that while the very principle of vaccination has been debated since its inception, the actually of the present vaccines and their contents- and their delivery schedule- which is one size fits all- is bothersome, and I started thinking this is interesting-we need to look at this. I was still pro vax.

I wondered:

  1. Why isn’t there a big effort to develop alternate vaccination methods, without toxins or allergens? How about that guy who grows vaccines in mushrooms? Where is our ingenuity? Where are our problem solving skills? That is just a bad business practice.
  2.  Why can’t we publicly rethink the whole vaccination process? Herd immunity is no longer working for mumps; in the recent outbreaks in PA, there was 97% vaccination compliance in the ones who got sick.
  3. Where is the vaccine science that can give us lifelong immunity? I got all the childhood diseases between 1950 and 1959, including the Asian flu. I have lifelong immunity without getting repeated doses of mercury or aluminum in a vaccine shot.

I was pro vaccines, but see so many problems with them, that I wonder-

  • Why not get creative since there is such an uproar?
  • Those guys who hate them are potential customers and they are not satisfied.
  • Vaccines are a big money maker for pediatric doctors; why not upgrade stuff about them all the time?

After I read the book “Dissolving Illusions” by S. Humphries, http://www.dissolvingillusions.com/graphs/ , I must tell you that the history of vaccination is very factual and has a lot of gov’t statistics in graphs. You don’t even have to read the book- you can get the whole story from the visuals.

The story:

Vaccination has been around since the 1600’s when infected smallpox  pus was scratched into the skin by several experimenters. There is a graph to show you how dangerous this was to the’ vaccinated’. Anti-vaxxers arose almost immediately and noticed that a lot of the “vaccinated” people got the disease anyway.

The Believers would not let go of the idea- which is actually homeopathic in philosophy. (A small amount of the toxin now, will inoculate you against the ill effects of the larger exposure to the disease later).

Pro-vaxers in the past have already used the government to enforce vaccinations and fine or imprison anti-vaxers.

Anti-vaxers demonstrated in many big cities that cleanliness and garbage and sewage removal did more to prevent infectious diseases than vaccines did. In fact hygiene had started a downward trend in every infectious disease many years before each vaccine went to the market. (Lots of charts showing this) Smallpox was already almost gone before its vaccine arrived. Same with measles, and every other disease, except polio, which turns out not to be the disease we always thought it was- there are so many sub-versions of infantile paralysis that did not have the polio virus in them…..

The text is dense with cited facts, but the charts tell the story in a way prose can’t.

I believe this book is a factual, non-emotional, history and science of vaccination.It is written by an MD who followed the party line until, the “Powers That Be”would not even flex a bit in giving vaccinations to the very ill old folks who went into hospitals when the doctor asked not to give them. How could a patient’s choice be taken away like that?

Politics, of course.

I hope Christian Scientists who leave the church to get medical help will not leave their brains at Patent Medicine’s door. Yes, all those medicines are either patented or out of patent. They are patent medicines. There is a lot to learn about the medical establishment before you accept its total authority. The practice of Medicine is not like it was before big insurance came in from the 50’s to the 70’s.

Buyer Beware.




A Scary Vaccination film


Since my first article on vaccination, when I was pro-vaccination and ignorant, I have continued my interest in just what is going on.I have bought books and read many more books than I bought. I have scoured online. No pro-vaccination source has the peer reviewed papers that prove the “science is settled”. There are not dozens of websites by people demonstrating the health of their children following vaccines, thus “proving” vaccines are good.

What is going on is an increasing flood of anti-vax information and proponents.  I have searched for the papers that demonstrate that vaccines saves lives- guess what, they are not being written. There are no such studies later than the 1960’s when the polio vaccine was seen to have wiped out polio, just as the smallpox vaccine had knocked out smallpox. I can’t argue that those two vaccines were coincident with an extreme fall in the occurrence of those two diseases.

But those two diseases have led to the belief by profit-making companies, patent medicine companies, that more and more vaccinations will prevent more and more diseases. I have two questions about that- why prevent childhood diseases at all? Not one of them is a killer, unless the child is third-world poor or does not have access to a bed, soup, and warm, loving care. And,  second, why avoid lifelong immunity? The sickness confers lifelong immunity, unlike the vaccines, where we are finding big increases in mumps, in vaccinated populations- in 2016!. That fact alone should have us asking about the limits of vaccination.

The statistics in the above fear-mongering video are accurate. A great deal of money has been paid to people who have been hurt by vaccines, though only 20% seem to have been compensated. The money paid out, more than anything else, proves the bottom line- vaccines are not needed and often harmful, and lots of people have proved it in court.

My philosophy is “Everything you need and nothing you don’t need” Sometimes the harder part is the second part, but it should hold true that you don’t need vaccines for childhood diseases, to be healthy.You are better off with the lifelong immunity a childhood disease confers on you.

There was an example of a measles outbreak at a Christian Science school a couple of years ago, where there was at least one death. Yeah, only a Christian Scientist would DIE after measles!!! Why? It is the unloving non-care that kills; the guilt of having to go to the infirmary, the feeling you are a spiritual failure if you caught the disease, and guilt for not overcoming it. No Christian Scientist  has any idea how to treat sick people.  The measles itself did not kill the Christian Scientists, the complications from untreated sick people did. If a person with measles got pneumonia, (which happens if not kept warm, and draft free, in bed, even for meals) Christian Scientists would refuse to recognize it. It is the complications that kill, not the measles. That is precisely why you put the child into bed in a stress free environment with little stimulation and surround them with love, small services, and reassurances that it is merely a rite of passage most all children need to go through.

CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule is not scientifically-based

I am glad I studied vaccine lit long ago and started questioning the whole vaccination thing -even as I claimed vaccines do not cause autism. (Autism is a complex disease with many systems of the body involved. It probably begins in utero even though it may not be seen until  later.) You all know by now, that I am one of the people who took the time to read the science- and check out the integrity of the CDC and found  them both lacking and I stuck my head out to claim it publicly on this blog and was flogged about it by a couple of readers.

The CDC was bought off by vaccine companies. The head of the CDC a few years ago went to jail for lying about, cheating and stealing from the CDC and his replacement is not much better.

The truth is the vaccine market should be highly evolving and competitively developed. ESPECIALLY by looking at mushrooms to grow and develop the vaccines. Paul Stamets already has the patent for that. And vaccination schedules should be tailored to the child and the circumstances. Video following post.

I had to revise this as I had the wrong reference. Sorry. The govt study was a discussion of the language used by opposite sides in the vaccine discussion.It was so close to another reference in my OneNote I grabbed it by mistake. However it does show that the govt is concerned about the way this discussion is going and the respective vocabularies of both sides is still very much at odds.

The problem responsible scientists are faced with right now is that the evidence is accumulating that the CDC’s childhood vaccine schedule is not scientifically-based. The medical doctors, academic researchers, citizen scientists, and concerned parents who are taking the time to read the science and educate themselves about what we know and what we don’t about vaccines are all coming to the same conclusion: something is very wrong with today’s childhood vaccine recommendations. Our current medical recommendations seem to be harming children’s bodies and their brains.

From <http://www.globalpossibilities.org/medical-doctors-concerned-we-are-giving-americas-children-too-many-vaccines-too-soon/>



What sugar does; What it causes

Refined sugar

  1. Has empty calories. Lacks nutrition. It’s an incomplete carbohydrate because it is deficient in proteins, vitamins, and minerals needed to process itself, so the body can’t use it as eaten. The body must supply all of those nutrients needed to process refined sugar. The body has to steal from other systems to provide the nutrients sugar lacks. The more sugar eaten the more cross-thievery going on.
  2. When incomplete carbs eaten, the  body produces Pyruvic acd which is toxic. It builds up in nervous system with bad effects on mind and body.
  3. Refined sugar interferes with oxygen in cells, causes cell aging which causes degenerative diseases, physical and mental.
  4. Refined sugar causes excess fatty acids in liver which in turn accumulates around vital organs.
  5. Overworked adrenals; sugar causes release of insulin and adrenals must overwork to balance sudden large amounts of insulin.
  6. Sudden drop in blood sugar aka Hypoglycemia, results from too much insulin released and disturbs the amount of cortisol body can make in response.
  7. Sudden rise in blood sugar causes dopamine overages. Repeated rises cause blunted dopamine. Receptors then need more sugar than first dose to get same effect. Sound familiar?

Problems caused by sugar consumption.

  1. Alcohol is distilled sugar so alcoholism is essentially a sugar-based disease.
  2. Fructose can also cause liver toxicity and inhibit immune system, just as alcohol does but without getting drunk.
  3. Sugar addiction. The continuous over use of sugar creates a false craving for more sugar.
  4. Hypoglycemia caused by too much insulin for the amount of sugar eaten causes the blood sugar to rise, then drop too far when the insulin hits. Insulin is overproduced for the amount to sugar causing the sudden fall when it is used up.
  5. Obesity is caused by the body’s inability to use insulin effectively, and by fructose storage as fat, which if never burned as energy, remains as excess fat, which, in turn, triggers several chronic diseases.
  6. Insulin resistance; the body no longer responds to insulin releases which causes condition of chronically high blood sugar.
  7. Body develops chronically high triglycerides and low “good” cholesterol.
  8. Diabetes type II, which is a condition of chronically high blood sugar caused by insulin resistance, not the lack of insulin, but the inability to use it.
  9. Lowered immune system.
  10. Lack of essential nutrients caused by sugar’s thefts impede digestion, bone formation, and nervous system.
  11. Tooth decay, partially caused by diversion of calcium and other nutrients robbed to process the sugar and partially caused by acids stuck to the tooth which turn to plaques.
  12. Insulin spikes cause inflammation in the body- most likely in your weakest system at the time, or if sugar inflammation continues, multiple systems become weakened.
  13. Chronic inflammations associated with heart disease and other life-threatening conditions.
  14. Sugar kills good intestinal flora. The biome in the gut is the heart of the immune system and interacts strongly with the brain- the mind, the feelings. When sugar is eaten -non-necessary bacteria must grow to handle digesting the sugar, they replace the good guys the body needs and send unhappy messages to various body systems.
  15. Sugar suppresses growth hormone BDNF and progesterone, just for starters- the rest is too complicated for this list.
  16. Makes the body acidic, which weakens immune system further and promotes fungi, parasites and miscellaneous bacteria that do not like the natural alkaline state of the body.

Sugar Addiction.

Eating more than a couple teaspoons a day of sugar causes cravings for more sugar, both to assuage the dopamine receptors, and by artificially lowering the blood sugar level as it is burned through by the body, causing an immediate desire for more -or a hypoglycemic reaction may result.

Humans like sugar. The body has a natural desire for sweet foods. All sugars were originally eaten in the form of fruits and honey which were either highly seasonal or not that common.  These sugars have  50% glucose for immediate brain energy and 50% fructose for fat storage for winter. Fructose was meant to build fat for winter on mammals, (think bears as well as pre-civilization humans). The amounts of fructose eaten in fruits that came in summer and fall made just enough fat to be deposited for winter. It used to be hard to get enough fructose for humans  to get very fat or to keep the fat on once the fruits were gone. But when we figured out how to refine sugar out of fruits, there was no longer a built in limitation for how much one can gather and eat.

The refined sugar we get at the supermarket is 50% glucose for immediate energy and 50% fructose which can only be processed into fat for later energy. Therefore, if the sugar-eating body never goes into fat burning mode, ALL the fructose it eats will stay put, as fat. Yikes!

Addiction to a physical substance is the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved with the substance beyond its usefulness or necessity to the body and/or self.

This definition can be expanded to say: Addiction to an idea or an emotion is the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved with an idea or emotion beyond its usefulness or necessity to the self and/or lifestyle.

The first definition covers opiates and their derivatives.  And it covers sugar. The second includes behavioral addictions such as gambling, anger and violence addictions, and other over-involvements that impede personal growth and happiness of the self and/or those closest.

I can’t even think of any physical foods or substances that are addictive except opiates and sugar. That ought to tell you something. Remember, alcohol is fermented sugar.

Big Sugar’s Sweet Little Lies

Three good videos:

The Secrets of Sugar – The Fifth Estate – CBC News

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Gary Taubes Discusses the Sugar Industry’s Secrets

Vaccine Watch: Ongoing stream of vaccinated people getting mumps in Arkansas

Maybe improving vaccines will finally get a hearing. The reactionary vaccine lobby refuses to listen to complaints about vaccine side effects- and now they are ignoring the fact that the mumps vaccine does not confer lifelong immunity.

Second Mumps Outbreak in Vaccinated Populations This Year Strengthens Questions About MMR Effectiveness

This past summer, more than 40 Harvard University students came down with mumps. According to the public health department in Cambridge, every single one of them had been vaccinated.2 Arkansas is now battling an outbreak of mumps that began in August.

As of December 2, 1,824 people had contracted the disease,3 despite 90 to 95 percent of school aged children and 30 to 40 percent of adults involved in the outbreak having been “fully immunized,” according to the Arkansas State Health Department (ADH).4,5,6,7

On September 12, 40/29 News covering Fort Smith and Fayetteville, Arkansas, reported that:8 “The Arkansas Dept. of Health says they have seen no cases of the mumps in people who aren’t immunized.” [LINK]

Paul Stamets

It is time for some vaccine R&D. My favorite mushroom dude, Paul Stamets has a patented mycelium vaccine delivery system. He grows the vaccine in the mushroom. Hardly anyone is allergic to mushrooms. [LINK]. Of course certain mushrooms themselves can confer resistance or immunity to things like TB.

Six ways fungi can save the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XI5frPV58tY


What does refined sugar do in the body?

Refined sugar

  1. Has empty calories. Lacks nutrition. It’s an incomplete carbohydrate because it is deficient in proteins, vitamins, and minerals needed to process itself, so the body can’t use it as eaten. The body must supply all of those nutrients needed to process refined sugar. The body has to steal from other systems to provide the nutrients sugar lacks. The more sugar eaten the more cross-thievery going on.
  2. When incomplete carbs eaten, the  body produces Pyruvic acd which is toxic. It builds up in nervous system with bad effects on mind and body.
  3. Refined sugar interferes with oxygen in cells, causes cell aging which causes degenerative diseases, physical and mental.
  4. Refined sugar causes excess fatty acids in liver which in turn accumulates around vital organs.
  5. Overworked adrenals; sugar causes release of insulin and adrenals must overwork to balance sudden large amounts of insulin.
  6. Sudden drop in blood sugar aka Hypoglycemia, results from too much insulin released and disturbs the amount of cortisol body can make in response.
  7. Sudden rise in blood sugar causes dopamine overages. Repeated rises cause blunted dopamine Receptors then need more sugar than first dose to get same effect. Sound familiar?

Problems caused by sugar consumption.

  1. Alcohol is distilled sugar so alcoholism is essentially a sugar-based disease.
  2. Fructose can also cause liver toxicity and inhibit immune system, just as alcohol does but without getting drunk.
  3. Sugar addiction. The continuous over use of sugar creates a false craving for more sugar.
  4. Hypoglycemia caused by too much insulin for the amount of sugar eaten causes the blood sugar to rise, then drop too far when the insulin hits. Insulin is overproduced for the amount to sugar causing the sudden fall when it is used up.
  5. Obesity is caused by the body’s inability to use insulin effectively, and by fructose storage as fat, which if never burned as energy, remains as excess fat, which, in turn, triggers several chronic diseases.
  6. Insulin resistance; the body no longer responds to insulin releases which causes condition of chronically high blood sugar.
  7. Body develops chronically high triglycerides and low “good” cholesterol.
  8. Diabetes type II, which is a condition of chronically high blood sugar caused by insulin resistance, not the lack of insulin, but the inability to use it.
  9. Lowered immune system.
  10. Lack of essential nutrients caused by sugar’s thefts impede digestion, bone formation, and nervous system.
  11. Tooth decay, partially caused by diversion of calcium and other nutrients robbed to process the sugar and partially caused by acids stuck to the tooth which turn to plaques.
  12. Insulin spikes cause inflammation in the body- most likely in your weakest system at the time, or if sugar inflammation continues, multiple systems become weakend.
  13. Chronic inflammations associated with heart disease and other life-threatening conditions.
  14. Sugar kills good intestinal flora. The biome in the gut is the heart of the immune system and interacts strongly with the brain- the mind, the feelings. When sugar -glutted non-necessary bacteria must grow to handle digesting the sugar, they replace the good guys and send unhappy messages to various body systems.
  15. Sugar suppresses growth hormone BDNF and progesterone, just for starters- the rest is too complicated for this list.
  16. Makes the body acidic, which weakens immune system further and promotes fungi, parasites and miscellaneous bacteria that do not like the natural alkaline state of the body.

Sugar Addiction.

Eating more than a couple teaspoons a day of sugar causes cravings for more sugar, both to assuage the dopamine receptors, and by artificially lowering the blood sugar level as it is burned through by the body, causing an immediate desire for more -or a hypoglycemic reaction may result.

Humans like sugar. The body has a natural desire for sweet foods. All sugars were originally eaten in the form of fruits and honey which were either highly seasonal or not that common.  These sugars have  50% glucose for immediate brain energy and 50% fructose for fat storage for winter. Fructose was meant to build fat for winter on mammals, (think bears as well as pre-civilization humans). The amounts of fructose eaten in fruits that came in summer and fall made just enough fat to be deposited for winter. It used to be hard to get enough fructose for humans  to get very fat or to keep the fat on once the fruits were gone. But when we figured out how to refine sugar out of fruits, there was no longer a built in limitation for how much one can gather and eat.

The refined sugar we get at the supermarket is 50% glucose for immediate energy and 50% fructose which can only be processed into fat for later energy. Therefore, if the sugar-eating body never goes into fat burning mode, ALL the fructose it eats will stay put, as fat. Yikes!

Addiction to a physical substance is the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved with the substance beyond its usefulness or necessity to the body and/or self.


This definition can be expanded to say: Addiction to an idea or an emotion is the condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved with an idea or emotion beyond its usefulness or necessity to the self and/or lifestyle.


The first definition covers opiates and their derivatives.  And it covers sugar. The second includes behavioral addictions such as gambling, anger and violence addictions, and other over-involvements that impede personal growth and happiness of the self and/or those closest.


I can’t even think of any physical foods or substances that are addictive except opiates and sugar. That ought to tell you something. Remember, alcohol is fermented sugar.

Sugar and the Huggins Family

By MKHuggins

My very name, Huggins, is a name that was involved in the sugar racket in the West Indies since 1625 or whenever Cromwell had those first Irish families sent to the West Indies as virtual slaves. The Huggins’ among the other Irish, seemed to have an affinity for African slaves in the earliest days because the British had to enact anti-miscegenation laws to make it illegal for Euros to co-mingle with Africans. Most of the Huggins descendants did not pay much attention to those laws because they were already mixed-blood almost to a man. A couple of Huggins’ did rise to marry planter widows and thus join the planter class. Edward Huggins of Nevis was a famous slaveholder, but not probably my direct ancestor unless the son he disinherited moved to Barbados and gave birth to my direct ancestor who left the Barbados, West Indies and went to Canada in 1850. So call it 200 years my family was involved with sugar from slave to slave-owner.

23andme confirms I am 1/64 African, probably Nigerian. That means my dad was 1/32 African. 1/32 was the definition of “One Drop”, meaning that in some states of the USA, my dad would have been called black on his passport, though he looked Irish all his life. I would not have been called black, but I might have had to say that my dad was black. His dad looked Irish too, but would have been 1/16th African. We don’t have photos of my great grandfather or his father, the man who emigrated, but he would have been about 25% African and probably not have looked very African. either. If only one of my direct ancestors was black, it would have been his grandfather that was the pure African, but that does not cover that first 100 years when the Huggins’ were probably already mixed. So my guess is that a lot of my ancestors for ­8 generations probably averaged 25% African, yet were consider white by west Indian standards.

Self disclosure does not stop there. My father had type I diabetes and he took insulin shots from the 1920’s until his death in the 1970’s. His father was an alcoholic -and it seems the two diseases may have plagued the Huggins’ for centuries since their arrival in the West Indies. Sugar is the bane of diabetes. Alcohol is fermented sugar. Demon rum is dependent on sugar for its manufacture.  Unless I have some Jewish forebears from the West Indies, my family was certainly no mover  or shaker who was responsible for the financing of the sugar industry, but instead they appear to be a bunch of self-replicating worker bees caught up in the manufacture of rum and sugar from the cane, until at least one of all the Huggins’ that rose to foreman-   rose to marriage in the big house and thus to slave-owner. My direct ancestor who left sugar for the lumber industry was no property owner. He was a manager though and so were his sons.

So, I was raised by a diabetic father. He was very self-disciplined and never ate sugar or unrefined carbohydrates. He lived until his 70’s in good shape- no diabetes aftermath like amputated limbs or blinded eyes. He did die of heart failure. He simply could not abide sugar in any way, shape or form- it would have killed him, if insulin were not yet available. So we had very little sugar in the house when I was growing up. It was reserved for birthdays and circuses.

About 3 years after I graduated college, I met my first health food friend who told me sugar was bad whether you had diabetes or not. Sugar causes type II diabetes and can be avoided entirely in most cases. I was skeptical and expressed that to another friend who had earned a black belt. He agreed with the health food guy and told me to quit eating any sugar for a week, then take 1teaspoon on an empty stomach then observe what happened. Well, by then I had taken LSD and had learned to self-observe and self-monitor the effects of a substance in my system. So I did as he said. First off, it was not easy to avoid sugar- that is a story in itself, but I did it and then took the spoonful. I felt an immediate rush of energy, a kind of burning in my stomach and cheeks- an acidic one in the tummy, but I had an empty stomach and I could feel it hit as I focused . Then I felt it drain out of my system and I was left feeling weak and a bit shaky- a hypoglycemic reaction. I was familiar with those but had never induced on as an experiment with a clean system, one teaspoon of sugar and then feel the results: An acidic nothing, then a mini-hypoglycemic crash.

Eating refined carbs cause big insulin releases into the blood which neutralize ALL the sugar, leaving you with less sugar than you need and thus the shakes and feeling flushed etc. until you eat a bit more sugar, and quickly.

So refined sugar is not really a food. It is a treat only and needs to be treated that way. Too much in the blood-even without diabetes is bad for you and continuous ups and crashes from eating sugar are also bad for the body and weaken systems.

And I have not even touched on the worst thing about sugar, the legacy of the West Indies,  yet. Sugar was first cause for slavery in the New World. The entire New World economy is based on sugar and slavery. The USA economy became based on slavery and being part of the sugar, rum, slavery triangle. The Huggins family got into some really bad karma with sugar and slavery in the West Indies, as did every other non-slave in the region.

The sugar industry was birthed through slavery and created racism as a justification for slavery. Barbados, home of my direct ancestor, makes the claim that it invented racism as a useful tool to keep control. The sugar industry, to this day, is still creating bad influences, buying off big universities like Harvard to make fat the bad guy, influencing the medical establishment and even the drug industry -which loves to comes up with sugar balancing or sugar-negating drugs every year.

We need to face the fact that we do not face the facts about eating too much sugar.  It is so bad for the body it should be called a poison.  It should also be called a drug. Worse than that. It has to be the substance with the worst karma for death, disease, and slavery of any substance ever.

The heroin epidemic  is nothing compared to the sugar epidemic. Heroin kills immediately when it kills, so it is identifiable as dangerous. Sugar kills by the decade and even though we all know the truth, we except ourselves from it, because we are strung out on it. Yes, addicted to it as much as to we are to Big Oil. But we need sugar far less. We need and are getting alternatives to Big Oil, there is no alternative to not eating sugar, except not to eat it. Sugar would make us all slaves to it again; make no mistake- it is worse than the tobacco lobby and far older. Sugar’s money created the Americas we know today so tainted by slavery and racism.

While I am proud to claim my “half-drop of African ancestry and lucky to know the story of how I got it, as well. I actually have less African blood than the average USA white person, who is more like 10% African. I keep thinking all those klu klux klanner-types need to test their DNA before they make racist remarks. No families in the slave-owning South remained 100% white any more than in the West Indies. If you have slavery, you still have people who have sex without regard to social status. If you have slave children, you are more than likely to give them more privilege. If you look at histories of slave owning families, you see much race mixing and now, the DNA proves it.

The race mixing is probably the best part of the entire West Indies Sugar Legacy and the touches it left in the majority of the slave-holding world. Sugar is no longer produced through slavery , but it is now indisputably known that sugar itself is bad for you no matter how it is produced. So the big money that still owns sugar still tries to lie about how bad it is for people to eat. Only a very small minority of scientists will stand up and discuss sugar accurately. Health food people are the best source for accurate information about sugar.

The simple truth is, no one NEEDS manufactured sugar. That can’t even be said about most drugs, legal or illegal, but it is true of sugar. No body needs refined sugar. Yes, the natural amounts of sugar in fruits, is ok, but refined sugar is not- in any amount. Plus it causes cavities, the only thing the sugar industry really admits about sugar.

There, I said most of what I meant to say.


If an ex-Christian Scientist thinks it is possible to drop out of CS and into medicine without harm, think again. Medicine has changed so much in the last 100 years that people who spend a lifetime ignoring it, are not going to find it easy to suddenly start using anything but over-the-counter remedies.

Buying health insurance is now law, but is totally corrupt that insurance companies make huge profits from sick people -and their CEO’s make amongst the biggest salaries of all US executives.  Yet the monthly charges for families is always burdensome- and should be unnecessary for most people most of the time, ex-CSists especially.   Health insurance is very expensive, the monthly charges are high and so are  the co-pays.

And just what are you buying into? A system that preached fat was bad and carbs were good because of a corrupt lobby that bought off Harvard University decades ago to declare fat was bad for heart attacks. Therefore we should eat low- fat, high-carb and save ourselves from heart attacks caused by beef and eggs. That previous statement is historical fact. The sugar lobby paid Harvard to design a study to make ALL fats bad and carbs more heart-healthy, so Harvard did. They just admitted it in the last few months and here is the NYT article about it: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/09/13/well/eat/how-the-sugar-industry-shifted-blame-to-fat.html?_r=0 .

Need I say more? If that has not shaken your faith that medicine might be better than CS, you are not applying enough critical thinking.  My truth here is that Big Medicine and getting involved in it is bad for your health.  I read a dog blog called “Terrierman” that is mostly about dogs. But the owner of the blog is also a level headed fellow who speaks truth to power. One thing he says is that antibiotics for animals are exactly the same as for humans, even though they are labeled not for human use. The reason for that is they are very cheap and available at any feed store worth its title. http://www.terrierman.com/healthcareindex.htm He often points out that humans can and do use them safely. Of course, all the survivalist types also know this well. For simple infections and wounds, no need to go to the vet or doctor. Take personal responsibility. Do not hand responsibility for your health from the church to the current medical sector- unless you need a hip replacement or a heart valve or other operation that has been perfected; that is the level of care health insurance should be about- emergencies. Medicare is mostly when you should need all that, so until then eat right and avoid medicine for stupidities such as flu shots.

All chronic adult illnesses should be treated with diet and supplements. That does not include childhood diabetes type I, but the adult diabetes type II caused simply by too much sugar (read carbs) in the blood is certainly the biggest contender, because the medical establishment does not force these guys to cut their sugar (carb) intake and increase their natural fat intake to normal for humans. Instead they are encouraged to eat carbohydrates and cut back on fats because Harvard said so under the influence of the sugar lobby!

I have been working up to a post on sugar and this is not it, but it is a reason why sugar needs a huge post by itself.

Listen to me: If children were all nursed, then fed real food and played outside each day, they would only need the doctor for stitches, and other childhood accidents. The Doctor would likely diagnose childhood ailments and give recommendations on care of the child. So, that meant very few visits.  That’s why the doctor could visit homes in the old days.

It is now a fact that children must go to the doctor dozens of times in order to get vaccinations. Only reason.  All those office visits and the follow-up care means a lot more business. And that is what happened. Do not underplay it in the growing belief of a necessity of more and more vaccines. I have a unique perspective here. I understand Christian Science and I understand big medicine. I also understand good nutrition and the value of enough exercise.

I am short of a PhD, but I do have a master’s level degree. I am a thinker. I have STUDIED this subject of CS vs medicine for 50 years. I have also watched not only my diet, but those of all my friends and clients. That is, I noticed what they ate, how they ate. I also noticed their health and now I am 75 and I have known some of these people for 50 years. The rest have died. Usually of something a good diet and enough exercise would have prevented. So I think I speak from somewhat more than anecdotal evidence. Even though I did not maintain records to make it scientific, I accessed a lot of information.

I feel sorry for those who know they could replace that hip and have Medicare, but won’t do it because they have returned to some kind of fundamentalist thinking about CS. I am talking about my hubby’s sister who was fast and loose with CS until she got a bad hip. Then suddenly, she wants to suffer until it heals through Christian Science. What horse poop.

So see,  if you can avoid the worst of it- like getting prescribed statins you don’t need for so called high cholesterol- but go for it when there is a perfected operation like hip surgery or a cataract involved, you might get along safely. But let the buyer beware.

Big Medicine would not be nearly as bad, if it were not for  the drug and vaccine manufacturers. They are all for profit, so they are still making patent medicines and trying to get people to buy them, only now, it is through their own special organization, The American Medical Association, which the medical drug cartels invented over 100 years ago to train doctors in the use of patent medicines and thus give them a good name. It was the drug companies that trained the first medical doctors, now they have a lock on all the medical schools and always try to downplay herbal medicine and food as medicine as incidental to themselves; only the osteopaths have broken into that establishment and only because they now use more drugs than manipulation. For Money, of course. Need you know more?

Chiropractors are still out, even though they can realign vertebrae and often, that is all a body needs. They HATE chiropractors who almost universally preach giving up sugar and eating right. The medical establishment downplays nutrition and deliberately makes lies about nutrition be accepted by doctors, universally for decades. And, how fast do you think they will change now? Now that Harvard, that bastion of believability, has admitted its duplicity. Don’t hold your breath. Everything will go on as though that never happened.

Opioid Addiction

There is so much in the news about addiction to opioids.  I want to quickly run through what I know about opium. Opiates are derivatives or manufactured analogs of opium. Opium is probably the least addictive. Then morphine, then the oxy’s, and at the top, super-addictive Fentanyl. Each of these escalations in potency is further removed from the plant until the oxy’s and fentanyl, which  are totally manufactured, not derived from the actual plant. Heroin is a concentrated form of opium and a substitute for all of the above. If you are in psychic pain, any of these drugs can be addicting. Pain patients do not usually get addicted to morphine  because of physical pain alone, they are able to taper off.

It is a proven fact that psychic pain is a prerequisite for addiction to opioid-type drugs.If you do watch videos about addicted people, what you see is that every single person was in some kind of psychological pain. What most addicts in treatment are endeavoring to do is quit using the substance- while not being able to do much about their mental and emotional pain because life is so hard, right now. Not being able to create a happier life  leaves them very vulnerable to falling back into addiction. The non-physical pain is the real driver towards the use of opioids. People who use opioids past the physical pain, find life extremely difficult. Life is far more difficult now. Good jobs are scarce, rents are high, cars and gas are costly. Health insurance is dependent on your job- if you qualify in the first place. Way too many people have to give up their dreams and even compromise their lifestyle in today’s austere times.

The Millennial generation is being raised by Generation X, the first generation to find the cost of living rise extremely high for young people, whether they completed their education or not. Generation X had to have two parent incomes in order to not quite have enough money to enjoy themselves.

The baby boomers graduated high school and college – the state universities were practically tuition free-and could get part time jobs-20 hours a week make enough money to cover rent, food AND a car. The baby boomers went on summer vacations every year. Their parents often had a boat or other money consuming hobby. None of that is possible today -even with salaries quadruple what the Boomers’ parents made and the taxes at 90% for the wealthy. My parent’s first house on Montecito Street cost $3k. That very same house today is worth about $300k. I know. I lived the easier life. In my opinion, a lot of psychic pain is caused by struggling to cover the bare necessities.

It is no longer possible to work 20 hours a week as a waitress or clerk in a store or library, and pay the rent, utilities, food and have a car. In the 50’s, 60’s and even 70’s, if  you worked 40 hours a week, you could even afford a kid or two on a low salary.

During my college years, I knew one heroin addict, a girl who had fallen for a Mexican during high school and got pregnant. The parents broke them up and sent the girl to a home for unwed mothers and made her give up her child.

Her next boyfriend was a Mexican heroin dealer. She never got over losing her child nor using heroin until she had a stoke in her 40’s and went to a nursing home. When I was a psychiatric clinic supervisor I knew several heroin addicts with dual diagnoses- (a psychiatric label in addition to the addict label). They all had a lot of psychic pain that affected their ability to deal with the increasingly hard facts of life in the 80’s and beyond. Life has not been a beach for more than 30 years. Instead, it has become increasingly hard to compete in the job market, plus most Millennials rang up large debts if they went to college. None of their average high school friends can afford vacations anymore, and it is hard to have a lot of fun. It is hard to even feel good.

This all adds up to a lot of mental pain. Stress it is called. Stress causes inflammation in the body and metaphorically, in the mind.

Even if many opioid addicts manage to stay clean, there are still many stress factors they can do nothing about- like the rising cost of living. It is hard to stay positive and stay out of fear states nowadays, so opioid addiction is still rising. There will be many more addicts before this is done, because there is a great abundance of heroin from Afghanistan where they are raising record breaking amounts of poppies every year.And there is also a great abundance of Fentanyl from Phoenix AZ where it is manufactured. Plus, the drug companies are making so many tons of the oxy’s that they are readily available from doctors and on the street.

I  have never seen so much psychic pain in so many people in my entire life as I see today in most of the people I observe. People who have few choices because so many things and systems are breaking down. I can understand why addictions to opioids are rising. Psychic pain is a prerequisite for addiction. I keep claiming that. My experience is one thing,  the experience of an expert backs me up.

Stanton Peele’s work with addicted Vietnam soldiers is an important case in point. At the end of the Vietnam war, when all the soldiers were returning, the US government expected a heroin crisis as up to 25% of the soldiers used heroin in Vietnam. Peele,  a pioneer in addiction studies who has stayed in the field  for the last 50 years, helped set up clinics in expectation of the flood. Then, very little happened. an astounding number of vets, over 90%, just returned to their lives and never looked back. They explained that they needed it in Vietnam, it was so bad over there, heroin numbed them to the psychological pain. but at home, they never thought about it again. A 3 minute video made recently by Peele himself, now in his 80’s, explains:


I have observed all my life that there is a wealthy sub-class of people who believe in eugenics, even though they don’t call it that.This new opioid war is a major weapon in potentially clearing the earth of excess people. It targets people who are stressed and unhappy, then it lets a major killer class of drugs loose in greater quantities than has ever been imagined. I think it will be more effective than AIDS as a weapon of mass destruction going on in local communities everywhere.


Strangely, a statistic is emerging from all the states that have legalized cannabis, medical or general, that everywhere pot is in use, opioid addiction rates go down. I think that was a major factor in the $250k that the Phoenix manufacturer of fentanyl gave to the anti-legalization bill in Arizona this last election- and helped it lose narrowly.

It is true that pot has a major physical pain reliever in an ingredient called CBD that can be extracted from the plant if you do not wish to experience the psychoactive aspects of the plant. However, the other main active ingredient in pot, THC, is a mental stress reliever. It does not solve problems, but it allows one stress relief about them or even insight into how to deal with them. After some THC, many unimportant things go away and one feels more ready to deal with the rest of the day. At the end of the day a few puffs will allow a lot of aches and pains to be relaxed.

In fact, one does not have to smoke it or eat it any more. There is a way to extract all the active ingredients out of pot and make it into a liquid that vaporizes at a low temperature. Inhaling the vapor avoids the heat of burning in a pipe. One exhales a water vapor, not smoke. People who use the same flavors as used in  nicotine vaporizers even disguise any slight odor. The vape pen the is about size of a regular pen.

So, I hope any ex-CSer who deigns to read my stuff can overcome the ‘moral superiority’ attitude about drug use that so many Christians have. The word drug is a charged word full of moral implications. Yet a drug is supposed to cure what ails you. If you have an infection, there are safe drugs for it. If you have heart failure, there are safe drugs for it, if you have pain there is a safe, natural drug for it, cannabis, which is not addicting,  has not yet ever caused a death, when used alone, ever, ever. And it helps the psychic pains of living in untenable conditions.  It is better than aspirin and works faster than advil or tylenol for any kind of headache. It works instantly.

Aspirin, ibuprofen, and acetaminophen are the typical over the counter pain relievers. None of them is really very safe. New alarms are being raised about ALL over the counter pain relievers. Opioids aren’t safe. The only safe pain reliever is cannabis.





Altered States of Consciousness Pt. 1. What I did back in the 60’s


My personal history of altered states of consciousness was unknown to me when I first ingested a tiny bottle of blue liquid, supposedly from Sandoz via the local branch of UC. I had no idea what a trance state was beyond hypnosis and “highway hypnosis” or that trance staes were alters states of consciouness.

I never thought it possible to alter a state of csness before I first heard of LSD and whatever was going on in the psych labs at Harvard. Another experimental psychology major student in an anthropology class at my college had spent a term at Harvard’s psychology department while there was a lot of student participation in the consciousness altering drug LSD25. She shared a lot about what was going on and referred to a couple of books about it. She talked about the anthropology or culture of the scene as closed between participants and non-participants, with the former claiming that the latter couldn’t have any idea unless they tried it themselves. She thought it was cultlike with the participants having extremely high regard for the teachers leading the experiments. She did not try it so could report no more than that.

I found a copy of “Drugs and the Mind”, By Robert S Deropp and read it. I can’t remember what it said, now, but if it is in our personal haight ashbury library, I’ll go check it out when I am done with this. I also read some other books and found the whole subject interesting and anthropological since mushrooms and peyote were other, but similar hallucinogens that various pre-conquest groups had eaten for millennia.  There was a long anthropological precedent for cultures using mind altering drugs since the beginning of written history. So I never was afraid of these substances as the cultures that used them considered them safe and useful. After that, I found myself quite curious to learn more as I had exhausted the school library on the subject. As an anthropologist, or so I thought.

I did not have an opportunity  come into contact with LSD until about four years later, in early 1966 San Francisco. I first took it in the company of a couple of bikers and some of their girlfriends. They were both experienced as were their dates, so I just went along with the crowd during the first few hours and enjoyed their socializing about their personal experiences as they happened. I could tune in and out of the music, probably the Beatles’ “Rubber Soul” and suchlike.  I saw all kind of visual patterns spirals, paisleys, fractals, though I did not know the word at the time, placed on top of whatever I was looking at. It was Trippy. After a while the visual stuff wore off and what was left was a reality in enhanced detail wherever I focused on any particular sense especially sight and sound.  That lasted the rest of the trip. Eventually my friend and I felt comfortable, even happy, to go outside. I did not feel impaired like alcohol. I felt enhanced. When my friend felt safe enough to ride a bike, I rode behind him and felt extremely safe. He was steady and sure just as though he were “sober”, even though so intensely experiencing the reality around us, the reality of driving safely was in charge. Trippy.  I remember we went to the Sunset beach, those endless foam horses really, really looked like horses. Trippy. There was a fun house that distorted your orientation as you walked through it causing you to feel unstable and unable to tell directions or sizes at all. I had not done anything like that funhouse before and saw the other people slipping and sliding and feeling dizzy. To me, it was perfectly clear which was up and exactly what the distortions were. I walked through it easily. Trippy.  We went to a café and had coffee. I felt very sensitive to the musculature of people’s faces. I could see how deeply habitual expressions had worn themselves into peoples’ careworn faces. That no one else in that café had taken one thought about keeping their bodies healthy, as had both my friend and I. He was a weightlifter in great shape and I danced whenever  possible. I thought about the future and set a goal to not feel careworn when I was old and practice happy expressions so I wouldn’t look it. Another bike ride and I was feeling normal, but kind of purged- though things were still more clear than usual.

So that was an altered state of consciousness. Altogether, it was easy, a lot easier than drinking, nothing ever got remotely like drinking even one beer. It was trippy.

So that was an altered state of consciousness BUT it was affected by the environment I was in and the behaviors of the other people I was with. So it was a mostly social trip, except for the most intense part at the beginning when all fell silent. During that time I felt like I was expanding through universes, never-ending universes. That part was pretty Cosmic. I thought it looked like there were universal laws that ruled the underpinnings of reality. No great insight for Science, but an Insight for me.

My second acid trip was on a bluff overlooking the sea and the Golden Gate bridge.  I sat there alone, for about 6 hours, and just observed and maybe daydreamed.  I like to think and I probably thought about a lot of things. After that, I barely remember one trip from another with several standouts: Trips with Reggie, including  several trips to the Avalon and Pescadero and the Monterrey Pop Festival.  A  social trip in our cabin in Larkspur with my sister and the Congress of Wonders and Larry Preston.  A peyote trip with Joel Storss and a few other people in our rental above Petrini Plaza. A trip on pink acid at the Straight Theater, A solo mushroom trip in Mexico, my final experience with major psychedelics.  Each one was fine. It was enjoyable in its own way. I had a hard time believing in flashbacks; I never knew anyone personally who claimed they had them.  Sometime I would remember something from one trip or another, but it was about like remembering something from one summer vacation or another.  Yet, they have stayed with me. I like quite a bit of psychedelic art or art that moves you from one universe to another, one state of consciousness to another.